Friday, February 15th 6 – 7:30pm
Find out more about how the right diet and exercise approach can support your bones’ health.
In this 90 minute long workshop you are introduced to key exercises that are essential for stronger bones.
You will learn important nutrition information including what to eat, what to avoid & what supplements to take.
Instructors: Marion Kregeloh, PT, CFP and Maria Quintana-Pilling, CNC
Marion Kregeloh is a physical therapist and Feldenkrais practitioner who specializes in osteoporosis. Marion is Founder of the Marin Movement Center in San Rafael, CA.
Maria Quintana-Pilling is a holistic nutrition consultant who specializes in women’s health issues.
FEE: $10 Member, $25 Non-member
90-minute Workshop
Mt. Tam Racquet Club
Upstairs Spin & Yoga Room
1 Larkspur Plaza Drive
Larkspur, CA 94939
Please RSVP Below by Wednesday, Feburary 13.