Menopause and Blood Sugar
Have you also noticed that when you were younger, you could eat all you wanted and not gain weight? But now, not so much. It's not you. It's your hormones. More specifically, it's the rollercoaster ride of your blood sugar during perimenopause. Let's take a look...
What should you eat when you have fibroids?
What should you eat when you have fibroids or want to prevent fibroids from growing back? Fibroids are benign tumors that form in the uterus. (Learn more here.) While the cause is unknown, we know several factors come into play including genetics, inflammation,...
My Fibroid Story – Part 1 My Symptoms
Continuing with Fibroid Awareness Month, I want to share my fibroid story in hopes that it helps you with your journey. If you have been recently diagnosed, you may feel like you are the only one. I know I felt this way. You may be surprised to learn that...
What Are Fibroids?
What are fibroids and should you be concerned? If you have been diagnosed with a fibroid, you are not alone. They are quite common. Eighty percent of women develop uterine fibroids by the time they reach menopause. Most women develop them in their 40’s & 50’s...
Is Perimenopause Constipation A Thing?
Have you noticed your constipation is getting worse as you get older? Is it a symptom of perimenopause? Maybe your stools are noticeably smaller and harder; you’re sitting on the toilet longer; you don’t feel like you are complete when...
Seed Cycling & Hormone Balance
Do you seed cycle? It's an easy, low-cost way to balance hormones and regulate the timing of your period. Seed cycling involves alternating eating flax seeds and pumpkin seeds for the first 14 days of your cycle and then sunflower and sesame seeds for the second...
3 Reasons You Need A Food Reset
I can't believe it's already mid-July and we are in month 4 of the pandemic. It is ever more evident that we need to take care of ourselves so that if/when we are exposed, our bodies can fight off the virus so we have minimal symptoms.And let's face it, our...
What Your Poop Is Telling You & What You Can Do To Improve It
Believe it or not, your poop tells you a lot about what’s going onin your body. And there’s even an official scale to track it. With this information, you can take steps to improve your bowel movements. Gastroenterologists at the University of Bristol developed The...
I eat healthy but still don’t feel good.
The saying “You are what you eat” is a little misleading because there is a lot more to it. More truthfully, “you are what you can digest and absorb”. And there is a big distinction here.
A Simple Tea To Ease Your Peri-Menopausal Symptoms
I recently pulled out my Red Raspberry Leaf tea and have been drinking it regularly. Red Raspberry Leaf tea is usually connected with fertility but it can also help with many peri-menopausal symptoms as well.Red Raspberry Leaf helps tonify the uterus and helps with...
Gluten and Fatigue
Over the holidays, I was in Chicago and met up with one of my very best friends. In the exchange of what’s new, she told me that she went gluten free in 2019. My jaw dropped. It’s not that she doesn’t believe in going gluten free. It’s just that she never believed it was something that she needed.
Fish En Papillote (Sample Detox Recipe!)
I know the word “detox” or “cleanse” may conjure up images of restrictive, bland foods that don’t satisfy. By now you should know that that is not what I am about. And that is not what the Peri-Menopause Detox is about. I want you to see for yourself that we are going to eat delicious REAL food so I’m giving you one of the recipes.
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