
164187_3810…make Pesto!

It happens.  You buy an entire bunch of parsley, basil, cilantro, sage (you fill in the blank) …then get home and realize that it’s just for garnish.  Or the recipe only calls for a tablespoon or two.  Either way, you’re left with practically an entire bunch.  Unless you’ve planned the week’s menu around that green herb, you’ll likely forget about it and, in a few weeks time, it will end up in the compost bin.  I admit, there are far worse problems to have, but if you are on a budget (or even if you are not) why waste food and money!

Rather than letting the herb slowly wilt in the fridge, use it up when it is fresh and vibrant and make pesto!  All you really need is an herb, garlic and olive oil.  The cheese and nuts are of course in traditional recipes but given today’s allergies they can be optional.  You can use the pesto the next night for dinner (it will keep in the fridge for a week) or freeze it for later use. (Freezing it in ice tray cubes makes it easy to get out the amount you need.)

Dare to try something different.  Google any herb + pesto and you will find a recipe.  Here are some of examples to try: Basil Pesto, Mint Pesto, Cilantro Pesto & Rosemary Pesto.

You don’t necessarily need an herb to make a pesto.  Kale or other dark leafy greens make a delicious pesto and so do nettles (now in season).

You can serve pesto on top of any protein dish — chicken, salmon, steak; use it as a dip or sauce for your favorite vegetable – green beans (basil), globe artichokes (mint), or grilled vegetables (rosemary) ; OR use it to make the classic “Green Eggs (kale) and Ham”.  It’s a great way to get the kids (& hubby) excited about greens!

Adding a little green – whether herbs or leafy – to a meal, will give the meal an extra boost in nutrition and get you one step closer to hormone balance.